Maggie has the moves

Today is all about the message

Is the realm of design ready for a revolution?

The intimate consumer is worldwide, and fashion is in transition.

Covid19 shut down the 2020/21 design industry, and now the transition to opening is moving slowly. Some manufactures are back to work others are still in a holding pattern; retail is moving online, and small firms and indie designers are just hanging on by a thread. 

Some design firms have a varied customer base; others have unadulterated devotees to the tried and trust basic silhouettes, but even with this insurance manufactures need to look at the revolution taking place in the market place. Millennials are moving into technology, Eco friendly, innovative urban-lifestyle shapes, with clean, modern design. Mainstream customers have a focus on support where structure is the key component along with soft, easy fabrication and care. Luxury brands have the luxury to be more diverse, but still, the focus should be on the customers wants and needs.

Lingerie has its own identity, designers are not held by fashion norms. Pattern design is showing a focus on botanicals, large and small, with conversational sneaking into chic style lines. Take a look at vintage movie posters for print and color concepts. Vintage linens, menswear paisleys, safari looks, and laser-cut patterns blend into great ideas for 2021/22 storyboards.

Upcycling is still the perfect vehicle for maximum warehouse stock. Countryside, Mix it Up, Kitchen Kitsch can tell a fabulous story using fabrics in the warehouse and don’t forget you can get a lot of panties with minimum yardage for panty programs and panty packs.

Create a movement going into 2021 lingerie story-lines and get the revolution started. 



Slip into an intimate story.


Lingerie Notes: Silk Charms